List of Member Tea Estates with the Name and Address of the Member
Representatives as on 1.1.2007
Goalpara Circle

Sl. No.
Name of Gardens with Postal Address
Area under Tea in Hectares
Name of Member Representatives with Address
P.O. Chapor-783 371,
Goalpara, Assam
The Mg. Director,
M/S. Dooars Assam Union Tea Co. Ltd.,
2-B B.D. Bag East, 
Kolkota - 1
Shri Samarendra Nath Basu,
Mg. Director, 
M/S. Dooars Assam Union Tea Co. Ltd.,
2-B. B.D. Bag East,
Kolkota - 1
Shri T.R. Tripati,
Acting Principal Officer,
M/S. Dooars Assam Union Tea Co. Ltd.,
2-B. B.D. Bag East,
Kolkota - 1